Hobo Nickel Engraved With Daffy Duck, A Famous Looney Tunes Cartoon Character, Displayed In The Classic Circular Looney Tunes Logo/Brand, With Daffy's Bill Inlaid In Twenty-four Karat Yellow Gold.
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Daffy Duck Hobo Nickel

Carved on a 1937 Full Horn buffalo nickel is Daffy Duck. Daffy's bill is inlaid in solid 24 karat yellow gold. The background is the classic, circular Looney Tunes design. This hobo nickel carving has a deep relief and is neatly stippled. Nineteen Thirty-Seven (1937) is the year Warner Bros introduced Daffy Duck to cartoons.

Arguably the webmaster's favorite cartoon character of all time, Daffy is seen here in a characteristic pose with arms crossed suggesting defiance, contempt, and or, disgust. One can envision Daffy having just said, "You may fire when ready, grizzly!" Beautiful tribute to Daffy!