The following items may be available for sale.
Prices available upon request. See: For Sale or contact Amy

#42 The Bull
This carving is done on a 1937 full horn Buffalo Nickel. Carving subject is of a railroad cop a.k.a. Bull. The Bull is wearing a traditional style hat and smoking a cigar. There is a 1 mm 24 karat yellow gold star inlaid into his coat. Left border is engraved with Hobo signs. They read north to south as follows . . . "Unsafe area, Keep away, Railroad police hostile, Get out fast." Right side border is engraved "BULL." Submitted to the 2008 FUN show auction. SOLD

#41 Sailor
This carving is done on a 1935 full horn Buffalo Nickel. Carving subject is a sailor. Sailor is featured wearing a traditional navy cap and smoking a pipe. There is a partial scroll style border. Submitted to the 2008 FUN show auction. SOLD

#40 Montville Stop
This is a reverse carving on a 1937 Buffalo Nickel. Carving is the front view of Engine #12. Engine is featured pulling out of The Montville Conn. Stop. (Home to nickel carver Amy Armstrong). SOLD

#39 Evolution Of Pig
This is a double sided carving on a 1937 Buffalo Nickel. Reverse features a typical barnyard pig. Obverse features a sophisticated Pig wearing top hat and tails. Yea . . . it's funny. SOLD

#38 Laura Ingalls
This carving is done on a 1913 full horn Buffalo Nickel. The subject is Laura Ingalls of Little House on the Prairie. She is featured with her hair in braids, wearing a period style dress. She is surrounded by a wheat border. COMMISSIONED

#37 Smokin' Slim
This is a reverse carving done on a 1937 Buffalo Nickel. Slim is an animated clean shaven Hobo. He is smoking a cigarette and carrying a bindle stick. Destination unknown ... Submitted to 2008 January FUN show Auction SOLD

#36 Mr. Traditional
This carving is done on a 1937 full horn Buffalo Nickel. This carving is a classic profile style carving. Carving is cut in deep relief. SOLD

#35 Triple X
This is a reverse carving on a 1937 Buffalo Nickel. Subject is an animated Hobo doing a little smoking and drinking.
XXX was a fella who needed a drink.
He sat on a rock and started to drink.
He puffed on his pipe while he pondered his life.
Time for another drink. SOLD

#34 Grinning O'Grady
This carving is done on a 1937 full horn Buffalo Nickel. Subject is an Irish clown with bulbous nose and big grin. He is smoking a pipe and wearing a hat with a 24 karat gold clover. SOLD

#33 Marco On The Move
This is a reverse carving on a 1937 Buffalo Nickel. Marco is a brisk walking, animated Hobo. He has full beard and mustache. He is wearing a hat, patched clothing and carrying bindle stick. SOLD