The following items may be available for sale.
Prices available upon request. See: For Sale or contact Amy

#142 Mary Hobo Nickel
Mary is carved on a 1938 Full Horn Buffalo Nickel. She has an up-do hairstyle and a .005ct carat round diamond earring. Her dress is Florentine textured. SOLD

#141 Oliver Hobo Nickel
Carved on a 1928 Full Horn Buffalo Nickel is Oliver. Oliver is a young clean cut Hobo. His bowler hat and jacket are stippled textured. SOLD

#140 Charlie Hobo Nickel
This hobo nickel, named Charlie, is carved on a 1928 Full Horn Buffalo Nickel. Charie's coat and hat are line textured giving the viewer the impression that they are made from corduroy material. Charlie's face has beard stubble, prominent sideburns, and he has a cigarette dangling from his mouth. SOLD

#139 Civil War Yank Hobo Nickel
Yank is a Civil War union soldier carved on a 1926 full horn Buffalo nickel. His profile features short hair, beard stubble, and sports a kepi hat/cap. SOLD

#138 Moonshine Max Hobo Nickel
Moonshine Max is carved on the reverse side of a 1937 Buffalo Nickel. Max is smoking a cigarette, carrying a moonshine jug, marked XXX, and a polka dotted bindle on a stick. His hat and patched pants are corduroy textured, and his shirt is lightly stippled. SOLD

#137 Prudence Hobo Nickel
Carved on a 1927 Full Horn Buffalo Nickel is "Prudence." Prudence is carved in a classic profile style. She is wearing an early 20th century hat held in place by a scarf. Her hair is curled. SOLD

#136 Mini Viking Hobo Nickel
Carved on the reverse side of a 1936 Buffalo Nickel Is "Mini Viking." Mini Viking is carved in place of the of the original buffalo. He is wearing a helmet with a 24 karat yellow gold horn. He is carrying a shield and spear. Can you say, "Spear and magic helmet?" SOLD

#135 Upside Down Bob Hobo Nickel
Carved on a 1935 Full Horn Buffalo Nickel is Upside Down Bob. Bob is an unusual carving engraved in the profile of the original Indian upside down. Bob has a large ear, five o'clock shadow, is wearing a textured cap and is smoking a cigar. SOLD

#134 Smokey Hobo Nickel
Carved on a 1937 Full Horn Buffalo Nickel is "Smokey." Smokey is carved in profile style, and he is wearing a textured bowler hat and suit coat. He is smoking a cigarette with the smoke forming around the liberty (untouched text section of coin). The field is partially stippled and partially clean for unique contrast. SOLD

#132 Shoe Billy Hobo Nickel
This hand engraved Hobo Nickel, "Shoe Billy," is carved on a 1935 Full Horn Buffalo Nickel. Shoe Billy is happily hiking along carrying a bindle stick and smoking the remains of a cigar. His clothing is nicely textured, and his shoes are so worn that we can see the bottom of one of his feet through his shoe. SOLD